
Lucky7Coin (LK7) 

It is a PoW/PoS coin with a completely new algorithm to compute superblocks. Lucky7Coin is in the family of PPCoin/Novacoin with latest available algorithms that fixed various problems in the recent PoW/PoS coins. As compared to the PoW only coins, the proof of stake coins are more resilient to 51% attack. Also it is a long term energy-efficient cryptocurrency.

Lucky7Coin provides superblocks based on the number of lucky “7″s in the previous block hash. The block payout is determined as follows:
- the hash contains six 7s or less: 77 coins per block
- the hash contains seven or eight 7s: 777 coins per block
- the hash contains nine or more 7s: 7777 coins per block

The 777-coins block occurs approximately 3-8% and 7777-coins block occurs approximately 0.5-2%, depends on the blockchain “luck”. So have fun and hope for best of the luck of 7s!

Lucky7Coin also provides 5% annual interest on the coins held. The interest is paid about every 2 weeks.

No Premine.


   - 60 seconds block target
- scrypt
- 77 coins per block for normal blocks
- 777 or 7777 coins per block for super blocks depends on the number of lucky 7s
- Difficulty retargets every block
- mining payout will be halved every half year (259200 blocks)
- mining coins per block will not be lower than 1 coin per block
- Expected total mined coins will be 99,792,000 coins
- 7 confirmations for transaction
- 77 confirmations for minted blocks
- Total coins (hard limit): 500 millions


Windows Client Downloads:!kx1gXYwC!dbcnukb7vKRm3C1g2y8jpgTFxy5z3W-KLJYy6r6wxOs


Google Doc:

Source Code Download:



Payoutsystem prop

only 77 confirms


  1. Create account.
    • Register here, or login if you already have account
    • Create a worker that will be used by the miner to login
  2. Download a CPU miner.
    • Windows users: download a “batteries” included package for 64-bit or 32-bit Windows. These packages include Pooler’s cpuminer 2.1.2 and Matoking’s GUI r6, updated 2012-02-03.
      Extract the files into a folder and start the included ScryptMiner.
      If you don’t want a graphical user interface, you can download an optimized command-line miner here.
    • Linux users: download and compile cpuminer. Under Debian and Ubuntu, you can use the following recipe:
        sudo apt-get install make automake build-essential git libcurl4-openssl-dev
        git clone git://
        cd cpuminer
        ./configure CFLAGS="-O3"
      [for HTTP]    ./minerd --url --userpass Weblogin.Worker:Worker password
      [for STRATUM] ./minerd --url stratum+tcp:// --userpass Weblogin.Worker:Worker password
    • Mac OS X users: precompiled binaries are available here.
  3. Download a GPU miner.
  4. Configure your miner.
    Start your miner using the following parameters:

    HTTP PORT: 8440
    STRATUM PORT: 3440
    Username: Weblogin.Worker
    Password: Worker Password

    If you use a command-line miner, type:

    [for HTTP]    ./minerd --url --userpass Weblogin.Worker:Worker password
    [for STRATUM] ./minerd --url stratum+tcp:// --userpass Weblogin.Worker:Worker password

    If you want, you can create additional workers with usernames and passwords of your choice Here

  5. Create a lucky7coin address to recieve payments.
    • Downloading the lucky7coin client from the forum site
      . Generate a new address and input it on your account page to receive payments.
  6. Optional (linux): Keeping miner updated
    • Updateting manual:
            cd cpuminer
            git pull
            make clean
            ./configure CFLAGS="-O3"
      [for HTTP]    ./minerd --url --userpass Weblogin.Worker:Worker Password
      [for STRATUM] ./minerd --url stratum+tcp:// --userpass Weblogin.Worker:Worker password